We design, build and operate a reliable and secure IT infrastructure

Together we are closest to zero downtime

The story of eGroup Solutions, a. s. is about gaining personal experience, the professional growth of people and about the challenges of customers who become long-term clients and partners.


Zero Downtime Services - Projektový manažment


eGroup Solutions - Spoľahlivé riešenia


eGroup Solutions - Zodpovedný IT partner

A responsible
IT partner

eGroup Solutions - Tímoví ľudia


About company

The year 2009 saw the establishment of an independent company eGroup Solutions. While looking for answers how to use solutions and systems for data management and protection, we came across an important fact that almost 90% of companies and individuals, do not have their important data sufficiently protected and at least half of them had no idea why. They even wondered, why the protection of data was important at all. Focus and specialization of eGroup Solutions stemmed from this knowledge.

The range of services offered by eGroup Solutions increased gradually. Firstly, it was the backup and recovery of customer data. This enabled us to address the drawbacks of common information systems in the protection of this data. Every company needs to know what happens to data throughout their lifecycle, data management and protection services were therefore extended by applications to monitor and support their management. The company eGroup Solutions stands on solid pillars today. Our state-of-the-art technology, quality services, flexible solutions and reliable operation resulted in the Zero Downtime concept, which is the concept closest to zero downtime.


Where do they see the added value of our company and where is the digital world headed? Quotes from the management of the company.

Verejné obstarávanie

Všetky organizácie verejnej správy SR (ministerstvá i ďalšie organizácie štátnej správy a samosprávy) povinne hodnotia dodávateľov verejných zákaziek z verejných obstarávaní. Z celkového počtu dodávateľov verejných obstarávaní získalo hodnotenie uspokojivé vo verejnom obstarávaní len 16,3 % z nich. Aj my patríme medzi spoločnosti, ktoré boli hodnotené uspokojivo, čo predstavuje vysokú spokojnosť našich zákazníkov a poukazuje na serióznosť a odbornosť v prístupe a jednaní pri realizácii všetkých projektov, do ktorých sa zapájame. Hodnotenie zároveň poukazuje na to, že s verejnou správou dokážeme fungovať transparentne, korektne a spoľahlivo.
eGroup Solutions - ISO 9001

ISO certification

In addition to professional knowledge, the method and quality of implementation processes are also significant factors for success. The quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 standards is a part of the integrated management system according to ISO 9001:2015 standards is a part of the integrated management system. Other elements are the environmental management system according to the ISO 14001:2015 standard, as well as the information security management system according to the ISO / IEC 27001:2013 standard. Further certificate that we possess is the ISO /IEC 20001-1:2011 standard, which proves the quality of management of our IT services such as support for infrastructure, applications and other solutions.
eGroup Solutions - ISO 27001
eGroup Solutions - ISO 27001
eGroup Solutions - ISO 27001
eGroup Solutions - ISO 27001